Monday, March 10, 2008

Bonus Balkan Beat Box Track!

Hey all,
So a couple days ago I spotted on the Balkan Beat Box MySpace page, they had posted a track for all of us Beat Box fans to devour. This track, Ramallah Tel Aviv, was a bonus track on the U.S. iTunes version of their recent Nu Med album(which itself is a masterpiece) but was unable to bought in Canada, or anywhere else for that matter. So us poor saps had to settle with listening to the 30 clip offered as the preview...
Luckily for us though, Balkan has released this elusive track for us. It is an attempt at an apology after they had to cancel their recent West Coast shows, and hey, it's a pretty sweet apology, considering they didn't have to do anything.
Anyways, check it out!

(For those of you not in-the-know, Balkan Beat Box is a great band composed of ex pat Israeli's and other guests who play with them on their gypsy,klezmer,hip-hop infusion work.)


An idea...

Finally, a blog to call my own, feels cozy too.
After pondering investing in picking up blogging, I've fotten around to it, I guess that is what results (and is the next logical step) from many an hour on Facebook and debating articles on the Ha'aretz and The Jerusalem Post websites...
I like to check them both out, as they offer wildly different perspectives and takes on the issues taking place in Israel. Ha'aretz sides with the left usually and The Jerusalem Post (hereafter jpost) has a rightist tinge. Whats a diaspora Jew to do?! I don't like to blindingly take Israel's side despite considering myself an ardent Zionist, so a little critical analysis helps in rounding out an opinion about the day's events. Admittedly, however, I never leave the chair with some epiphany of what side to sway to. I prefer the liberal(see lower case liberal)-humanist-traditional-Zionist(read upper case Zionist) approach...and what does that mean?...It's a work in progress...